Abstract Submission

Email notification of contributed presentation acceptance will be provided no later than Oct. 15, 2015. Abstracts from invited speakers will be accepted automatically. The abstract template is available here: EMN FALL abstract_template

  • Submit your abstract as an email attachment to [email protected] with the subject line Abstract Submission and your last name, e.g. “Abstract Submission Smith.”
  • Please underline the name of the presenting author.
  • Please limit abstracts to a single page.
  • Select Invited, Oral or Poster presentation preferred as prompted in the template.
  • Indicate preferred workshop where prompted from the options in the list of workshops.
  • Abstracts with figures are encouraged.
  • Abstracts may be submitted ONLY as Microsoft Word files. Please name your file according to the following convention prior to submission: FirstName_LastName_Abstract.doc (e.g. John_Smith_Abstract.doc).

Author preferences will be taken into account, however the final decision on presentation format and session will be made by the Committee and indicated in the acceptance email.

Please note: we can only accept one presentation per person.

Operating Organization
